Hope you all had a wonderful Diwali with your near and dear
ones. Mine wasn’t bad either. Though away from home and all the lights and
sounds that make Diwali so special but still managed to celebrate it in a cosy
way. Cooked some festive food, decorated the apartment with fall leaves and
flowers, lit some candles and enjoyed shopping with my lil one. He has been my
constant companion on this trip. The whole day we roam and explore various
parts of the city, play in the parks, do picnic on the bank of a nearby river,
watch movies, shop for our daily needs and pass time in various supermarkets
and malls that dot this locality. Though its not rosy all the time. Sometimes
he is angry for not buying him what he wants and sometimes am upset when he
nags too much. But all in all its fun being with him. More so because now he
has his own perspective to everything.
I was frantically searching the net for a easy dessert
recipe that does not need full fat milk, khoya, freshly made cottage cheese,
almonds or pistachios. Because I do not have any of these. am sure its available
somewhere in the place where I am living right now , may be its lying there in
the same rack in the super market where I picked up the soy milk for my kid.
But I would never know as nothing is written in English and am tired running
the google search all the time before picking a new ingredient for the kitchen.
So I needed something that calls for fewer easily available ingredients and
produces a gorgeous result. And then suddenly like a lightening I remembered
this dessert which maa used to prepare a lot in our childhood.
Here are few dessert ideas for Diwali. Make some, share and spread happiness.

Diwali dessert recipes. diwali mithai recipe, diwali snack recipe, diwali sweets recipes, easy diwali sweets ideas.
Someone so rightly said that you don’t know what awaits you
tomorrow. As a kid when studying about mount fuji or Hiroshima-nagasaki I never
thought of visiting these places. More so as Japan is not a huge travel
destination for us Indians. But when this opportunity came along I was a little
apprehensive mostly because we just shifted home and the kid’s schools didn’t
allow any more leave than the puja holidays. But am glad that we grabbed it and
I must confess that am loving every minute of my stay here.