Friday, September 28, 2012

First Guest Post for Suma of Cakes and More...

Yes so finally I got this opportunity of doing my very first guest post.and the best part is, it is for one of my most favourite blog, Cakes and More. Suma, the lady behind the blog has immense patience and you can see that if you read her posts. everything is so well explained that even a novice can gather some confidence and bake her recipes. 

She has an amazing spread of cake, cookies and bread recipes. It was her who directed me to the right brand of yeast to live my dream of baking bread at home. I am a passionate baker myself and still now I often go back to her recipes for tips and tricks. 

It was her who inspired me to make a post on  baking ingredient sourcing in kolkataHer garlic knots, no knead atta bread and low fat snack recipes are a hit at my place. 

The recipe that I shared there is a favourite dessert of Bengal Called Rasmalai (known as Angoori rasmalai elsewhere in India). Soft tiny balls of cottage cheese soaked in caradom and pistachio flavoured milk...a heavenly dessert which could be the point of talking if served in a party. and the recipe is very straight forward if you are confident of using your pressure cooker. 

I often make this for gatherings at home and yet to meet someone who does not like this.

To check the recipe hop on to Suma's place Cakes and More.

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  1. Wow..the last picture is too too tempting..

  2. Congratz on your first guest post!!
    This dish looks delicious....

    Amy-Food Corner

  3. I love angoori! Off to Suma's to check it out...

  4. I just love the pretty pictures you have posted Sayantani...anguri looks really tempting!!

  5. Such delicate beauties and droolworthy pictures. You did a great job, as usual:):)

  6. I love angoori and this looks really tempting.

  7. Lovely pictures .. made me droool ;)

  8. Just went through ur guest post at SUma's space, kudos to both of u.

  9. A great recipe Sayantani.The pictures are very tempting.Will try out the recipe soon.Have just started following you :).

  10. Ami agei giye pore eshechilam tomar guest post Suma's blog e. Fb te pic dekhe wait korchilam tomar post er. Khoob yummy hoyeche dekhte

  11. very nice guest post dear. Congrats to both. Rasmalai looks fantastic!

  12. dear sayantani, a big thank you. my husband wouldnt believe that i made the rasmalai at home. did not take much time, and came out very professional. nothing is impossible, is sayantani is in my kitchen! thanks once more.

  13. dear sayantani, a big thank you. my husband wouldnt believe that i made the rasmalai at home. did not take much time, and came out very professional. nothing is impossible, is sayantani is in my kitchen! thanks once more.

  14. @PRerna, thanks for your comment and the nice words. so glad that you liked it.

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