Sunday, June 30, 2019

Mango Mousse-eggless no cook recipe

In our Santiniketan home, we have a Mango tree, not a very big one where you can hand a swing. but a small manageable one with bushy leaves and very very sweet fruits. Like all the other trees in the garden, it was planted by my mother quite some time back. The variety is called Mallika, a hybrid between two Indian varieties called Neelum and Dusheri. Not because it is in our garden but this by far is the best mango I have ever tasted. sweet, juicy, fleshy, fiberless and with a very small stone. The only problem is you cannot leave them on the tree for ripening. It is so sweet that the bugs and ants will definitely get them before you do. So every year these are picked just before they start to ripen and then they are rolled in pieces of newspaper and left on a bed of dried hay. 

Initially, the tree bore very few fruits. Either it did not flower much or the flowers and baby mangoes were lost in summer storms. But we loved them so much we even shared the 5-6 fruits it bore every year. but Somehow in the last 5 years, the tree is giving us so much than we ever expected from it. and every year my brother sends us plenty of these green-skinned mangoes, individually wrapped in paper.

Generally, we enjoy the fruits as after lunch dessert but this year I decided to make something out of it. something easy and delicious. The kids love mango mousse from our local bakery so I decided to make that. I used pre-sweetened whipping cream and needed no extra sugar for this. 

Mango mousse
(serves 4-5)

Heavy whipping cream: 1/2 cup (Used Tropolite nondairy cream) Please see notes
Mangoes: 4 (Mallika mangoes are very small in size. The extracted puree was about 2 cups)
one more mango if you want to serve this with fresh mango cubes.

Chill the cream in the fridge and whip till you get soft peaks. A hand blender will make your job easier in this case.
Keep it in the fridge until needed.
Peel and cut the mango in cubes. Whizz in a blender to get a smooth puree. Reserve 1/4 cup puree and gently fold the rest into the whipped cream. be gentle and don't knock the air out from the fluffy cream.
Pour in serving cups and chill for 2 hours. Then place 1 tablespoon of the mango puree on top and chill over night or at least 6 hours before serving.

A Homemaker's Notes:

  • You can use Amul's whipping cream or any other brand. just make sure the fat content in your cream is minimum 35%.
  • If your cream is not sweetened or the mango is not sweet enough add honey or powdered sugar (Icing sugar works beat) to sweeten the mousse.

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