Saturday, July 8, 2017

Kolar Bora (Sweet Banana Fritters)

My Daughter is very happy these days. Ever since the driver left job to go to his native village she is very excited. Both the kids do not like car rides rather they prefer to commute on public transport. My son's joy breaks all bounds every time he makes me agree to ride a bus. Same with the daughter, her favourites are Auto rikshaw and rikshaw.

Since her play school is just 5 minutes ride from home, now a days I am picking her up in a rikshaw and everyday after school when her eyes fall on the waiting rikshaw outside the gate she starts jumping with joy. her joy is so infectious that even the Riksha pullaer or commonly known as rikshaw wallas starts smiling at her. Everyday she tries to persuade me to sell our cars and buy a Rikshaw for her to ride all day long. and every day I argue with her saying Baba has to go to office and we do not have anyone to pull the rikshaw. but am pretty sure soon she will ask her grandpa and brother to do the job for her.

On our way home we share a lot. She tells me about her school, her dreams and funny things she witnessed. some days she is hilarious, some days she is mischiveous and it's a great pleasure to share and witness life in a no fuss way with her. 

The recipe is a no fuss one too, from the old world. Something we grew up on when there were no donuts, muffins or cuppicakes to satiate our craving for something fancy. Queerly we called them malpua all our childhood. Maa never made the syrup soaked, condensed milk drenched ones till we started going to college and she surprised us by making those fancy malpua for a family gathering. But somehow I still call it malpua though my kids beg to differ. 

My family knows my love for it and whenever I am down a piece of this sweet fritter from the fridge has the power to cheer me on. I have memories, very fond one associated with this which I still hold close in this changing time and relationship equations.

Kolar Bora
(Makes 20-25 fritters)

Ripened banana: 3
Semolina: 1/2 cup
All purpose flour: 2/3 cup
Rice flour: 1/3 cup
Fennel Seeds: 1 tsp
Sugar: 1/2 cup (adjust as per your liking)
Bicarb of soda: 1/3 tsp
Pinch of salt
White oil for deep frying.

Dry roast the semolina on low heat till it starts to turn brown. take out and add 11/2 cup of water. Mix and keep aside for 15 minutes.

Powder the sugar and add to the semolina along with flour, rice flour, mashed banana, pinch of salt and lightly pounded fennel seeds. Mix and add water to get a thick cake batter like consistency.

HEat oil for deep frying. just before starting to fry add the soda and mix. Drop a big spoonful of batter in hot oil and fry on medium flame till it is golden on all sides. It will keep on cooking even after taking out of oil. 

Take out and place on absorbing paper. Bring it to room temperature and sprinkle powder sugar on top.

serve with Tea or just as it is.


  1. this year I missed.. next year I'll have it...

  2. We make something very similar too... I love it especially when I run out of ideas and all I want is some comfort... Loved reading your post especially about your daughter wanting a rickshaw... :D So cute...

  3. Everyone has comfort foods that cheer them up and sometimes that is all we need!
    The fritters look so apt for a tea time snack.
